Tokina Vista ONE Primes

Tokina’s Vista One primes are sharp, full frame prime lenses that feature a single coating design to maximize creative potential without sacrificing image quality. They have attractive flares and decent contrast with minimal chromatic aberration. Their rounded iris design produces beautiful bubbly bokeh and their fast T1.5 stop makes them excellent for low-light situations. They feature uniform mechanical design and gearing positions, making them ideal for professional use.
Focal Length Aperture Close Focus Front Diameter Weight (lbs)
18mm T1.5 17.7" 114mm 6.19 lbs
25mm T1.5 13.8" 114mm 5.11 lbs
35mm T1.5 16" 114mm 4.59 lbs
50mm T1.5 19" 114mm 4.94 lbs
85mm T1.5 37.5" 114mm 5.05 lbs
105mm T1.5 3' 9" 114mm 5.93 lbs
135mm T1.5 4' 7" 114mm 6.88 lbs