• Angenieux Zooms - Uncoated


    The uncoated Angenieux zooms feature uncoated elements that result in increased flaring and higher contrast loss from light sources. This helps create a more vintage look than normally possible with a modern coated lens.

    Focal Length Aperture Close Focus Front Diameter Weight (lbs)
    28-76mm Uncoated T2.6 2' 114mm 4.5
    25-250mm Uncoated T3.9 6' 1.3"-11" 6.5
    24-290mm Uncoated T2.8 4' 162mm 24.5
  • ZEISS Standard Speed Primes - Uncoated

    ZEISS STANDARD SPEED T2.1 SET 10 14 16 20 24 28 32 40 50 85 100 135 180MM

    Uncoated Zeiss Standard Speeds provide a more vintage look than the normal Standard Speeds. They exhibit excess flaring and an increase in contrast loss when flared.

    Focal Length Aperture Close Focus Front Diameter Weight (lbs)
    16mm T2.1 10" 80mm 1.2
    85mm T2.1 3' 80mm 1.5
  • ZEISS Super Speed Primes - Uncoated

    ZEISS SUPER SPEED T1 ScaleHeightWzUwMF0.3 18 25 35 50 80MM

    Uncoated Zeiss Super Speeds provide a more vintage look than the normal Super Speeds. They exhibit excess flaring and an increase in contrast loss when flared.

    Focal Length Aperture Close Focus Front Diameter Weight (lbs)
    18mm T1.3 10" 80mm 2.8
    25mm T1.3 10" 80mm 2
    35mm T1.3 1'2" 80mm 1.8
    50mm T1.3 2'6" 80mm 1.8
    65mm T1.3 2'6" 80mm 2.2
    85mm T1.3 3' 80mm 2.2
  • ZEISS Super Speed Primes - Uncoated (TLS Conversion)

    whitebox background v2 65 singlepopek Lifestyle

    The uncoated version of the ZEISS Super Speed offers the same unique look of the Super Speed, but with reduced coatings for more intense flaring and a lower contrast look.

    Focal Length Aperture Close Focus Front Diameter Weight (lbs)
    18mm 1.3 10" 80mm 2.8 lbs
    25mm 1.3 10" 80mm 2 lbs
    35mm 1.3 1' 3" 80mm 1.8 lbs
    50mm 1.3 2' 6" 80mm 1.8 lbs
    65mm 1.3 2' 6" 80mm 2.2 lbs
    85mm 1.3 3' 80mm 2.2 lbs
  • ZEISS Ultra Primes (LDS) - Uncoated

    ARRI Zeiss Uncoated Ultra Primes

    This uncoated version of the ZEISS Ultra Prime lens set offers a lower contrast alternative to the original Ultra Prime. These uncoated versions also feature ARRI’s LDS (Lens Data System) for transmitting lens information to the camera system. Uncoated elements also allow these lenses to flare more easily and increase the characteristics of their flares.


    Focal Length Aperture Close Focus Front Diameter Weight (lbs)
    14mm Uncoated T1.9 8.7" 114mm 4
    16mm Uncoated T1.9 12" 104mm 3.3
    20mm Uncoated T1.9 12" 104mm 3.3
    24mm Uncoated T1.9 11.8" 104mm 2.9
    28mm Uncoated T1.9 12" 104mm 3.3
    32mm Uncoated T1.9 15" 104mm 3.1
    40mm Uncoated T1.9 15" 104mm 3.3
    50mm Uncoated T1.9 2' 104mm 2.6
    65mm Uncoated T1.9 2'3" 104mm 3.1
    85mm Uncoated T1.9 3' 104mm 3.9
    100mm Uncoated T1.9 3'3" 104mm 3.9
    135mm Uncoated T1.9 5' 104mm 4.7