Canon FD 3x Zoom - Ancient Optics

DSC03167 DSC00018

The Canon FD Zoom is based on the original Canon FD 35-105mm. It has been meticulously rehoused into a modern cinema housing, but still features the same beautiful image produced by the original zoom. This zoom pairs well with the Canon FD or Canon K35 primes and is convertible from its original 35-105mm full frame format down to a Super 35 24-75mm format. This reduces the image circle of the lens, while speeding it up to a T2.9, making it perfect for Super 35. The lens is sharp, with moderate fall off, beautiful textured bokeh, and features Canon’s Super Spectra Coatings that produce gold and purple flares without losing too much contrast.

Focal Length Aperture Close Focus Front Diameter Weight (lbs)
35-105mm 3.7 2'9" 136mm 2.75