Petzvalux Primes - Ancient Optics

DSC03111 v2 DSC00029 v3 DSC03108 v2 DSC03120

The Petzvalux are a set of full frame, LPL-mount lenses that feature modern optics based on vintage Petzval lens designs. They feature a “tuning ring” on the front of the lens that provides a tunable Petzval look. This allows the user to tune the intensity of the sharpness, fall-off, and Petzval bokeh effect. This set was designed by Ancient Optics to include additional focal lengths than are normally available in the Petzval family, adding a 27mm, 38mm, and 120mm.

Focal Length Aperture Close Focus Front Diameter Weight (lbs)
27mm 1.9 12" 136mm 5.62
38mm 1.7 14" 114mm 4.52
44mm (Coming Soon)
55mm 1.7 2' 114mm 3.64
66mm (Coming Soon)
80mm 1.9 2'9" 114mm 4.08
120mm 1.9 3' 114mm 5.73