Angenieux 6x Zoom - Ancient Optics

DSC03133 DSC00024 DSC03140

The Angenieux 6x Multi Format is based on the original 20-120mm from the 1960’s. This version has been fully rehoused by GL Optics for Ancient Optics and features the ability to change format by swapping the rear optic. The lens itself looks very close to the original 20-120mm, producing a sharp image with gradual fall off, lower contrast with blue magenta flares, and smooth bokeh. It pairs well with many prime lens sets from the 40’s, 50’s and 60’s. The standard rear optic 20-120mm T2.9 covers Academy 35, while the 24-144mm T3.6 rear covers Super35 and the 33-198mm T4.9 rear covers Full Frame.